Research Topics

Overview of research topics

(please scroll down for more information on each topic)

Colloidal Self-Healing
Regenerative Dentistry
Modelling &
Bone Regeneration
Nanomaterials for tissue regeneration
3D-printing & Clinical translation

Treatment of bone diseases with colloidal biomaterials

Sander Leeuwenburgh

Bone can be severely damaged by degenerative diseases like infections and cancer, leading to significant health issues and a reduced quality of life. Traditionally, these bone diseases are treated with long-term systemic delivery of therapeutic biomolecules. However, this approach often causes serious side effects, and the concentration of the drug reaching the diseased bone is usually too low to be effective.

To address these challenges, researchers are increasingly using biomaterials as carriers for localized drug delivery. Unfortunately, current biomaterial-based therapies have limitations, including the need for invasive procedures, limited control over where and when the drug is released, and difficulty in delivering drugs directly into the interior of cells. Colloidal composite gels offer a promising solution to these problems. These materials are injectable, porous, and self-healing, thanks to their ability to self-assemble from nanoparticles. At the Regenerative Biomaterials group, we are developing various types of organic and inorganic nanoparticles that come together to form these colloidal composite gels. These gels are designed for localized, and even intracellular, delivery of therapeutic agents. Our innovative biomaterial strategies are now being advanced towards practical applications in regenerative nanomedicine.

Regenerative dentistry

Frank Walboomers

As an Associate Professor of Regenerative Dentistry, my work lies at the intersection of dentistry, medical biology and materials science, with the goal of developing innovative therapeutic strategies for the regeneration of lost and damaged dental tissues. My research is particularly centered on early tooth development, where I employ organ-on-chip models to study the formation of dentin, enamel, and periodontal tissues. In addition to fundamental scientific research, a second line of investigation is more clinically oriented and focuses on developing intra-oral sensors for detecting salivary biomarkers. I serve as the (co-)chair of the Dutch national Public Private Partnership, In the dental department, I am course leader for the first-year theoretical curriculum ("lijn TKG 1-2"), as well as coordinate the MSc research theses for students in their fifth and sixth years ("lijn wetenschap 5-6").

Modelling & Bone Regeneration

Jeroen van den Beucken

Cell-cell interactions are instrumental in tissue formation. Increasingly, such interactions are studied via models in 3D, e.g. spheroids. In our research, we build on 3D models in the form of spheroids and ex vivo organ cultures to unveil characteristics of cell interactions in health and disease.

For healthy conditions, we focus on the interactions between different cell types of bone and the immune system to pinpoint key mechanisms related to the initiation of bone formation. A major aspect we focus at is the role of osteoclasts in this initiation.

For diseased conditions, our mere focus is on bone cancer (primary or metastatic) to evaluate the potential of novel therapies to advance clearance of cancer lesions in bone tissue. For this, we utilize vital human bone tissue for ex vivo culture and dedicated animal experiments, in which we infuse the human bone with human cancer cells to develop fully humanized models of bone cancer (see image).

With state-of-the-art cell culture, histological and immunohistochemical techniques, and multiple types of microscopy, we have the appropriate facilities to assess various characteristics of cells and their role(s) in bone regeneration or bone disease.

Nanomaterials for dental tissue regeneration

Fang Yang

Periodontal diseases, including periodontitis and peri-implantitis, are oral infections associated with inflammation-mediated loss of the periodontal ligament and supporting alveolar bone, which finally results in tooth/implant loss. The current treatment strategies are not efficient and do not lead to the regeneration of the lost periodontal tissues.

At the Regenerative Biomaterials group, we aim at the development of regenerative therapy for periodontal and peri-implant diseases using nanomaterial-based regenerative approaches. Thanks to the biomimetic features and unique physiochemical properties, nanomaterials, including nanofibers and nanoparticles, are of vital importance in promoting cell growth and stimulating tissue regeneration. Additionally, nanomaterials can also be used as a delivery system to carry bioactive agents. Apart from our interests in designing smart nanostructured biomaterials as scaffolds or drug carriers to maximize the self-healing capacity of bone and periodontal tissues, we are also interested in exploring the underlying mechanisms of cell-biomaterial interactions in the oral context.

Bio-engineering of in vitro models

Mani Diba

The extracellular matrix (ECM) plays a crucial role in tissue development and disease by providing a range of biochemical and biophysical cues that guide cell behavior. In most tissues, the natural ECM is a hydrogel-like matrix, offering a suitable microenvironment that supports cellular functions. Even in hard tissues such as bone, tissue formation begins with a hydrogel-like matrix, which later transforms into a hardened, mineralized structure.

At the Regenerative Biomaterials group, we focus on designing hydrogel biomaterials that closely replicate the ECM's complex environment. Our approach involves bottom-up assembly of molecular and particulate building blocks, allowing precise control over matrix properties such as viscoelasticity and biochemical functionality. By tailoring these properties, we create dynamic ECM mimics that can support tissue-specific functions and guide cell behavior. We exploit advanced biofabrication techniques, including 3D (bio)printing and microfabrication, to engineer complex tissue structures that are physiologically relevant. Our goal is to develop in vitro models that not only enhance the understanding of tissue development and disease mechanisms but also accelerate the translation of therapies.

3D-printing & Clinical translation

Bart van Oirschot

3D printing can be employed to create personalized (single patient-oriented) medical devices. By using a high-resolution imaging tool, such as CBCT (cone beam CT) or intra- oral scanning, we can create a 3D image of the patient and fabricate and test 3D printed structures to replace teeth, or bony structures. These medical devices can be subsequently sterilized (e.g. autoclaved) or loaded (functionalized) in a sterile environment prior to implantation, facilitating the quality of the surgical procedure and improving the clinical outcome for the patient.

At the Regenerative Biomaterials group we focus on a 'clinical translational approach', where clinical problems are translated towards basic research questions and vice versa. We use in vitro and in vivo models and perform clinical trials for the clinical translation of newly developed medical devices and regenerative biomaterials.